28 Day Muscle Maximizer
Program Objective: Increase muscle definition, strength and size using a joint-friendly anywhere, anytime training system. This program will utilize more of a regional body training approach that is traditionally seen in a traditional bodybuilding program. However, unlike most free weight dominated bodybuilding programs, this program will also work on flexibility, mobility and athleticism to make sure you look, feel and continue to move your best.
Program Requirements: Be comfortable with band training while being able to squat, overhead press, do a push-up, lunge and do a 4″ step up.
Equipment Needed: Complete Home Band Gym set up with 3 to 4 resistance levels of bands as well as a sturdy place to attach bands. Also is recommended to have an Automated workout app (Seconds Pro) or a countdown timer and a whiteboard.
Goals: Upon completion of this 28 day training program participants will:
- Develop an understanding of how to train specific body regions with bands
- Increase muscle definition and strength
- Be able to strength train without free weights
- Acquire a convenient non-gym strength training option
Program Design: You will workout 4 days per week training specific body regions on each workout. The final workout is a fast twitch muscle fiber workout designed to improve muscle power, reaction and coordination.