4 Week Jump-Start Program
Program Objective: The Jump-Start program is designed to help you start acclimating your body to training with bands using both attachment free and attached band setups.
It is highly recommended that all new members go through this program. As you progress through the Jump-Start Program, feel free to attempt higher levels of difficulty as the 4 week period proceeds.
Remember… Just because it's an introductory program it does not mean it has to be easy. Challenge yourself as you continue to acclimate yourself to band training.
The Jump-Start Program should be done for 4 weeks before progressing to a different Band Gym program.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
Program Requirements: Individuals must be able to partially squat, reach overhead, pull horizontally, get off the ground, walk sideways, backwards, and march.
Equipment Needed: 2 or 3 pairs of bands, training handles, band utility strap, or secure attachment point for bands.
Upon completion of this 4 week introductory program you will:
- Be able to perform 8 Attachment Free Anywhere exercises
- Be able to perform 8 Attached Vector Exercises
- Be able to perform 4 Dynamic Stabilizer Exercises
- Be able to complete an RBT time-based metabolic fat burning workout
- Able to implement these band setups – Rack, Behind back, Under feet, Over the foot, Hip attached, Dynamic Stabilizer setup, and attach training handles. (find more information on these in the resource area)
- Prepare your body for more advanced RBT exercises and workouts
- Understand how to increase or decrease workout intensity