28 Day Super Hero Training Program
Program Objective: Provide a 28 Day training program designed to get the body moving great by training movements that are not found in traditional exercise programs. The goal is to improve “natural movement” strength, coordination and mobility while also enhancing metabolic conditioning and core strength in each and every workout.
Program Requirements: Be able to walk, crawl, squat, lunge and reach overhead with no pain or significant restrictions.
Equipment Recommendation: Complete Band Gym setup including 3 to 4 different resistance levels of band, accessory kit, band attachment point and at least 1- 13” Dynamic Stabilizer Band. Will also need the ability to monitor set time and rest time using a countdown timer or Seconds Pro app.
Weekly Workout Format – You will be asked to work out for approximately 45 minutes, 4 times per week. Workouts will use time-based sets.