Welcome to February's Program!
35-Day Fit-n-February Plus The 28-Day Ab-Core Challenge
Day 1 - Total Body ART + Strength 1
Warm Up
5 Minute Single Band Assisted Warm up - Follow Along
Station 1 - ART Circuit: Do 3 to 5 Accelerate Reps every 30-seconds. Focus on 1 rep at a time doing the Concentric Phase as fast as possible before slowly resetting to do the next rep. Complete 10 Total Sets .
Station 2 & 3 - Strength Circuit: Alternate between 2 exercises, performing 30-seconds of work / 30-seconds of rest x 10 total sets (5 per exercise) - Rest 2-Minutes and repeat the same sequence for station 3. Choose the exercise progression that best fits your fitness level.
Station 1 - (ART Pulling Session)
Accelerated Rep Rowing - 5 ART Rowing VariationsStation 2 -
Reverse Lunge R - DB-Band Reverse LungeStation 3 -
Complete Today’s Ab Challenge Workout
Hit today's Ab Challenge Workout
Equipment recommend
Several Attached Single 41” Quantum Bands
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust rest set time
- Adjust number of sets/cycle
Seconds Pro Workout with Exercises
Day 2 - Mini-Band Fat Burner
Warm Up
Alternate through the following 5 Exercises doing 60-seconds of work followed by 60-seconds of rest. Complete 2 Cycles for a 20 Minute Workout
Complete Today’s Ab Challenge Workout
Hit today's Ab Challenge Workout
Equipment recommend
13” Mini-Band
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust # of work sets
- Adjust rest between exercises or rounds
Seconds Pro Workout Link with Exercises
Day 3 - Total Body ART + Strength 2
Warm Up
Station 1 - ART Circuit: Do 3 to 5 Accelerate Reps every 30-seconds. Focus on 1 rep at a time doing the Concentric Phase as fast as possible before slowly resetting to do the next rep. Complete 10 Total Sets.
Station 2 & 3 - Strength Circuit: Alternate between 2 exercises, performing 30-seconds of work / 30-seconds of rest x 10 total set (5 per exercise) - Rest 2-Minutes and repeat the same sequence for station 3. Choose the exercise progression that best fits your fitness level.
Station 1 - ART Pushing Session
Accelerated Rep Push Training - 5 ART Chest Press Variations
Station 2 - Split Squat R-L or Db-Band Split R - L
Station 3 - Single Arm Towel Rotational Row R - L
Complete Today’s Ab Challenge Workout
Hit today's Ab Challenge Workout
Attached Single 41” Quantum Bands
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust rest set time
- Adjust number of sets/cycle
Seconds Pro Workout with Exercises
Attached Single 41” Quantum Bands
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust rest set time
- Adjust number of sets/cycle
Seconds Pro Workout with Exercises
Attached Single 41” Quantum Bands
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust rest set time
- Adjust number of sets/cycle
Seconds Pro Workout with Exercises
Attached Single 41” Quantum Bands
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust rest set time
- Adjust number of sets/cycle
Seconds Pro Workout with Exercises
Attached Single 41” Quantum Bands
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust rest set time
- Adjust number of sets/cycle
Seconds Pro Workout with Exercises
Day 4 - Mini-Band Fat Burner 2
Warm Up
Assisted Lunge - Reach Warm up
Alternate through the following 5 Exercises doing 60-seconds of work followed by 60-seconds of rest. Complete 2 Cycles for a 20 Minute Workout
2. Seal Jack
3. Stepover
4. Side Switch
5. Burpee Jack
Complete Today’s Ab Challenge Workout
Hit today's Ab Challenge Workout
Equipment recommend
13” Mini-Band
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust # of work sets
- Adjust rest between between exercises or rounds
Seconds Pro Workout Link with Exercises
Day 5 - Total Body ART + Strength 3
Warm Up
Station 1 - ART Session: Do 3 to 5 Accelerate Reps every 30-seconds. Focus on 1 rep at a time doing the Concentric Phase as fast as possible before slowly resetting to do the next rep. Complete 10 Total Sets.
Station 2 & 3 - Strength Circuit: Alternate between 2 exercises, performing 30-seconds of work / 30-seconds of rest x 10 total sets (5 per exercise) - Rest 2-Minutes and repeat the same sequence for station 3. Choose the exercise progression that best fits your fitness level.
Station 1 - ART Deadlift Session
Band Deadlift Or Accelerated Rep Band-Belt Deadlift - 3 ART Band Belt Deadlift Variations
Station 2 -
Wall Push Press R - LStation 3 -
Complete Today’s Ab Challenge Workout
Hit today's Ab Challenge Workout
Equipment recommend
Several Attachment Free 41” Quantum Bands
- Scale band resistance
- Adjust work set time
- Adjust rest set time
- Adjust number of sets/cycle
Seconds Pro Workout Link with Exercises
The Band Belt System Setup
Day 6 - Low Box Ladder Workout
Warm Up
30-Minute Low Box Cardio Interval Ladder
Alternate through 12 exercises as you work using 3 different work-rest sequences. In Round 1 you will use a 20-seconds on / 10-seconds off sequence. In Round 2 you will use a 30-seconds on / 15-seconds off sequence. In Round 3 you will use a 40-seconds on / 20-seconds off sequence. You will take 2 minutes between rounds.
Complete Today’s Ab Challenge Workout
Hit today's Ab Challenge Workout
Equipment recommend
No Equipment Needed
Seconds Pro Workout Link with Exercises
Day 7 - Empower
Empowerment Day
I want to help you build fitness independence by empowering you to take control of your fitness.
Let me share 4 ways you can take control of your fitness this month in The Band Gym.
Complete Today’s Ab Challenge Workout
Hit today's Ab Challenge Workout