Anywhere Strength-Cardio Chaos 

  • Scale band resistance
  • Adjust work set time
  • Adjust # of work sets or exercises

Workout Details

Alternate through these 10 exercises, that switch between a strength exercise and a callisthenic exercise  Do 60-seconds of work / 30-seconds rest as you flow through all 10 exercises. That is 1 cycle.  Rest 2-minutes and repeat for 2 total cycles.  You should be able to keep mini-band on at all times during the workout. 


  1. Push Press
  2. Skater
  3. Front Squat
  4. Seal Jack
  5. Bentover Row
  6. Elevated Plyo Mt Climber
  7. Power Pull a Part
  8.  Shin Hugger
  9. Straight Leg Deadlifts
  10.  Burpee shuffle