40-Minute Lower Body Strength Shred AMRAP

40-Minute Lower Body Strength Shred AMRAP

  • Scale band resistance
  • Adjust work set time
  • Adjust # of work sets or exercises
  • Adjust rest between cycles 


Workout Details

Alternate through these 6 exercises doing the indicated reps per exercise. That is one round.   Repeat that same sequence for 30 total minutes doing as many rounds as possible. (AMRAP).  Rest as needed and track the total number of rounds. 


  1. DB Split Squat Right- 10 Reps
  2. DB Split Squat  Left – 10 Reps 
  3. DB Low Reach Left – 10 Rep 
  4. DB Low Reach Right – 10 Reps
  5. DB Alternating Side Lunge – 10 Reps/side
  6. DB Swings – 20 Reps