10-Best Starter Mini-Band Exercises

Just Starting Out??

Here are the 10-Best Starter Mini-Band Exercises based on 21 Years and Over 4000 Adult Band Fitness Camp Training Sessions. 

Coaching Suggestions
1 – Learn the movement using a low band resistance
2 – Focus on band placement to keep band secure on thighs
3 –  Perform movements slow and controlled 
4 –  Work toward 40-second work sets using light band resistance before increasing resistance
5 –  Keep some level of tension on mini-band at all times to avoid migration

1 – Reach Squat

2 – Rhymical Reach

3 – Alternating Side Step

4 – Wall Touch

5 – Elevated Mt Climber

6 –  Skater

7 –  Supine Hip Extension

8 –  Elevated Burpee

9 –  Forward – Backward Walks

10 –  Stepover

To Learn More about how to Access Unlimited Band Exercises go to: 
 The Band Gym Exercise Vault